√ 15 Best Bathroom Lighting Ideas to Brighten Your Style 2020

Some bath lighting ideas tin can really set the mood you lot want for interior design. Lighting plays an important office in every room of the house. So, you have to exist very careful in deciding the right light fixture for your bathroom.

Choosing the proper lighting for the bathroom could exist pretty challenging. It should be co-ordinate to the atmosphere or mood you lot want to apply in the bathroom.

Whether you want a statement fixture of light or the contemporary one, you would really want a perfectly hitting and timeless bath. Here are some Must-see bathroom lighting ideas to highlight your bath space.


  • Bathroom Lighting Ideas with Wall Niches
    • 1. Lighting Ideas for Like shooting fish in a barrel-To-Clean Bathroom
    • 2. Xanthous Lighting in the Shelves
    • 3. LED Indirect Lighting In-Wall Niches
  • Bathroom Lighting Ideas with Pendant Light Fixture
    • four. Outstanding Black and White Bathroom
    • 5. Lighting for Mid-Century Bathroom
    • 6. Stylish Chandelier for Bath
    • 7. Minor Bathroom Light Pendants
    • viii. Unique Industrial Light Fixture
    • 9. Low-cal Fixture Stone Wall Bath
    • ten. Fabric Light Fixtures
    • 11. Outdoor Bathroom with Romantic Lanterns
  • LED Lights for Bathroom Lighting Ideas
    • 12. Backlit Bathroom Mirror Ideas
    • 13. Futuristic Lighting for Bath
    • 14. Cove Calorie-free Effect for Bathroom
    • 15. Bathroom Lighting For Modern Vibes
    • 16. LED Lights on the Wall Edge
    • 17. LED Lights for Pocket-sized Bathroom
    • 18. Amazing Ceiling Blueprint for Bath
  • Other Stylish Bath Lighting Ideas
    • 19. Fashionable Bathroom Pendant Lights
    • 20. Bathroom Lighting Ideas Swing-arm Sconces
    • 21. Rails Bathroom Lighting Ideas
    • 22. More than Lighting in Beige and Dark-brown Bath
    • 23. Nighttime Cozy Bathroom Idea
    • 24. Starry LED Lights on the Bathroom Ceiling
    • 25. Lighting Ideas Farmhouse Bath
    • 26. Mint Greenish and Gray Bath
    • 27. Beautiful Hanging Light Fixtures for Bathroom
    • 28. Romantic Lighting for Bath
  • Decision
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Bathroom Lighting Ideas with Wall Niches

Bathroom Lighting Ideas for Easy-To-Clean Bathroom - Harptimes.com
LED Bathroom Lighting Ideas modern for Easy to Clean

ane. Lighting Ideas for Piece of cake-To-Clean Bathroom

Bank check out this simple built-in lite fixture that adds a decorative look to your bath wall. It is placed on the wall to a higher place the bathtub which creates a nice scene you can enjoy while in the bathtub.

The built-in shelves also provide a good amount of low-cal to your bathroom ambiance. You don't need a lot more from the ceiling.

Don't Miss: Master Bathroom Ideas

2. Yellow Lighting in the Shelves

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Yellow Lighting in the Shelves - Harptimes.com
LED Bath Lighting Ideas modern Xanthous in the Shelves

Information technology'southward 1 of the bathroom blueprint trends in 2019. Having some wall niches in the bath would add more storage space. You can organize your bathroom stuff within them.

Well, information technology's not only considered as the storage of your bathroom. It too has a decorative touch when the lighting is installed.

The smooth from the lightings illuminate the bathroom items and information technology creates some kind of an image. Information technology would wait like a framed motion picture or a painting from far away.

3. LED Indirect Lighting In-Wall Niches

Bathroom Lighting Ideas LED Indirect Lighting In-Wall Niches - Harptimes.com
Modest Bathroom Lighting Ideas modern LED Indirect in Wall Niches

It'southward 1 of the best means to enlighten your wall niche. You don't need to enlighten the whole space inside the niche; yous merely need to focus on the edge. It creates an amazing scene on the wall in a higher place your toilet.

The LED lights are installed in the wall niche but because of the concept in this bathroom. Equally you tin can encounter, the LED lights are installed in the whole area of the bath. Then, I approximate that'southward the right thing to do for the niches.

Bathroom Lighting Ideas with Pendant Light Fixture

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Outstanding Black and White Bathroom - Harptimes.com
Mid Century Bathroom Lighting Ideas photos Outstanding Black and White

4. Outstanding Black and White Bathroom

Information technology's ane of the all-time ways to pull off a black and white room. This bathroom features an amazing double sink. It's now a twin sink it's really 1 big sink which has two faucets. That'due south why it's called a double.

Still, our focus hither is on the calorie-free fixture on each side of the mirror. Hanging from the ceiling, these light pendants expect appealing.

Information technology matches actually well with the black and white ambiance in this bathroom. The amount of light it offers besides perfectly brightens the whole expanse.

Likewise Read: Vanity Mirror with Lights

5. Lighting for Mid-Century Bathroom

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Lighting for Mid-Century Bathroom - Harptimes.com
Houzz Bathroom Lighting Ideas photos Mid-Century

If you take a mid-century way in your bathroom, you may opt to install this lighting.

An industrial style of lighting could bring out the elegance and traditional feelings that a bathroom has. The light bulbs represent your personal mode in the bathroom.

From this point of view, the amounts of the bulbs are doubled by the mirror. Yous can have four extra lights considering of the mirror. And then, it'due south important to decide the position where to hang the light.

Quote. This kind of light fixture won't be enough to provide proper lighting to the whole bathroom area. So, it'due south of import to take the main lighting to manage the effulgence during the night.

6. Stylish Chandelier for Bathroom

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Stylish Chandelier for Bathroom - Harptimes.com
Rustic Bathroom Lighting Ideas united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland photos Stylish Chandelier

Having chandelier lighting inside a bathroom is not weird. You can have it about anywhere. Only, you have to consider the size of the bathroom before you decide to have a chandelier for a bathroom.

For this bathroom, the chandelier is a good selection since the size of the room is pretty large. Information technology's likewise supported by the pendant lights abreast the mirrors.

7. Small Bathroom Light Pendants

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Small Bathroom Light Pendants - Harptimes.com
Minor Bathroom Lighting Ideas nz photos Pendants

For a small bathroom, light pendants tin can as well be an interesting addition to permit the bathroom color ideas inside it shines amend.

The cute and modernistic pattern of this bath gets a touch of elegance from the lighting pendant design.

The unique cover of the pendant makes an amazing scene all around the room. Y'all can only exit the lights turned on fifty-fifty during the day to maximize the concept of this bath.

8. Unique Industrial Light Fixture

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Unique Industrial Light Fixture - Harptimes.com
Mid Century Bathroom Lighting Ideas Australia photos Unique Industrial Light Fixture

Check out the light fixture. Those blow-drinking glass lights take an organic shape. This fixture would surely work really well in your contemporary-style bathroom.

The feeling of cold and hard edges can exist all around the space but the round glass around the seedling would add a playfulness bear upon to balance.

Even more unique, it's got a hand-shape hook on the wall that you can apply to hang your towels or annihilation. That's actually something that can delight your eyes.

nine. Light Fixture Stone Wall Bath

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Light Fixture Stone Wall Bathroom - Harptimes.com
Farmhouse Bathroom Lighting Ideas over mirror Light Fixture Stone Wall

A great option of the light fixture for a bath with the stone wall is the combination of wall pendant and metal ceiling lights. For maximizing the texture of the wall, a recessed and wall pendant lights are enough.

But, to brighten the whole bathroom, permit the metal ceiling light does the work. This kind of bathroom can't be found in many places. There are only some people who are fans of rustic bath ideas.

The elements that you should notation for this bathroom are:

  • The Metal Light Pendant
  • The Rustic Bricked Stone Wall
  • The Vintage Painting beside the toilet.
  • The antique wooden vanity

10. Fabric Lite Fixtures

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Fabric Light Fixtures - Harptimes.com
15 Bathroom Lighting Ideas ceiling Cloth Light Fixtures

It can exist said that it'southward one of the ceiling pendant light you can take in your bathroom.

Even though, the presence of this lite fixture in this bathroom is not really of import as lighting. It'southward quite essential as decoration because it makes the ceiling more interesting than an empty plain ceiling.

A textile light fixture is quite rare to be placed on a bathroom ceiling.

Some people or bathroom designers call back that a lite fixture with an interesting blueprint is not needed in the bathroom. It needs something functional, not decorative.

Nice Article: Walk in Shower Tile Ideas

11. Outdoor Bathroom with Romantic Lanterns

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Outdoor Bathroom with Romantic Lanterns - Harptimes.com
Outdoor Bathroom Lighting Ideas Pinterest Romantic Lanterns

Well, this is something you can't discover in most places. It's a perfect outdoor bathroom design that a couple utilise in their honeymoon. It's also something a resort or hotel can offer for the guest bathroom ideas.

As yous can see, there'southward no lighting but the lanterns. That's where the romantic feeling begins to spread all around the space.

If you lot have a proper backyard space, yous can likewise set this outdoor bathroom design to have an elegant and romantic bathtub at your own business firm.

LED Lights for Bathroom Lighting Ideas

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Backlit Bathroom Mirror Ideas - Harptimes.com
Mid Century Bath Lighting Ideas pinterest Backlit Mirror Ideas

12. Backlit Bathroom Mirror Ideas

This kind of lighting design would only exist looking very impressive when the lighting is minimal. Equally yous tin can see, this bathroom pattern is one of a kind. It gets y'all really close to the nature with that stone-textured background wall.

The backlit mirror does wait so impressive. You will be amazed by this bathroom fifty-fifty just by looking at it.

The simple and minimalist pattern of this bathroom maximizes the unique feel that this bathroom design has to offering.

thirteen. Futuristic Lighting for Bathroom

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Futuristic Lighting for Bathroom - Harptimes.com
Modern Bathroom Lighting Ideas photos Futuristic

It's one of the best concepts for a bath with LED lights fixture. The futuristic style seems to exist the right i for this unique light fixture.

This is a bath design similar no others. A unique selection of lighting idea deserved to be in this bathroom.

Ane thing that this bathroom doesn't have is a cabinet or storage. From this signal of view, there's no place to continue your stuff available in this bathroom.

The patterned wall tall is practical to become this futuristic bath more interesting.

14. Cove Light Effect for Bathroom

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Cove Light Effect for Bathroom - Harptimes.com
Mod Bath Lighting Ideas over mirror Cove Light Effect

This low-cal event is a very interesting addition you can take for your bathroom. Information technology's ready to highlight your vanity expanse since it's the but important spot in the bathroom.

Toilet, bathtub, and shower are also important in whatsoever bathroom. Simply, people spend more of their time in front of the vanity. So, it can be considered the most important chemical element of the bath.

15. Bath Lighting For Modern Vibes

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Bathroom Lighting For Modern Vibes - Harptimes.com
DIY Bath Lighting Ideas Mod Ceiling Vibes

The texture of the ceiling seems to be the highlight of this bathroom design. When it's enlightened by the LED light fixture, the texture looks far more impressive.

The wait is balanced past other LED lights on the floor. LED light on the floor and nether the ceiling makes a great combination to ready a positive ambiance to the bathroom.

xvi. LED Lights on the Wall Border

Bathroom Lighting Ideas LED Lights on the Wall Edge - Harptimes.com
Small Bathroom Lighting Ideas uk photos LED Lights on the Wall Edge

It'southward an interesting way to light a bathroom. Of grade, one long LED light fixture on the edge won't manage to brighten the whole bath. It'southward used as a decoration for the bathroom.

The light from other light fixtures should as well be there to be the chief lighting of this bathroom. If one border with LED lights is plenty, you don't demand to add more lights to other edges.

LED lights seem to be the one that makes your bathroom more interesting and decorative.

17. LED Lights for Modest Bathroom

Bathroom Lighting Ideas LED Lights for Small Bathroom - Harptimes.com
Small Bathroom Lighting Ideas Ceiling LED Lights

A small narrow bath can also exist accentuated by an LED light fixture like this one. The LED lights in this bathroom are placed on the ceiling's edges and flooring'southward edges.

All of the sides are lighted with LED lights. For some people, when they walk within the bathroom, the LED lights create a sense of floating.

The color scheme of the bathroom is also important. You should consider information technology first before installing the LED lights.

xviii. Astonishing Ceiling Design for Bathroom

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Amazing Ceiling Design for Bathroom - Harptimes.com
Small Bathroom Lighting Ideas Ceiling Pattern Amazing

LED lights can also be a decoration to support your lighting design. The blue color of the LED lights represents the colour of the sky.

It tin can prepare a soothing mood for you while enjoying the bathtub. The scene of the ceiling will be very impressive from any side.

The design of the tile pattern doesn't seem to be matched with the LED lights design. Actually, the designer decided to have those tiles in gild to maximize an impression to back up the majestic blue LED lights.

Other Stylish Bath Lighting Ideas

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Stylish Bathroom Pendant Lights - Harptimes.com
Master Bathroom Lighting Ideas Modern Pendant Lights Stylish

19. Stylish Bathroom Pendant Lights

The Moroccan patterned tile flooring in this bathroom looks amazing. It's just the most interesting element in the bathroom.

Dealing with this kind of bathroom who has one impressive focal point, the lighting shouldn't be too distracting. It should offer a useful scene for the bathroom. Every bit you tin can meet, this bathroom has some lighting fixtures.

1 pair of light pendants is adjacent to the mirror and some others are subconscious behind the article of furniture. It creates a dramatic sense for the bathroom ambiance.

20. Bathroom Lighting Ideas Swing-arm Sconces

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Bathroom Lighting Ideas Swing-arm Sconces - Harptimes.com
Farmhouse Bathroom Lighting Ideas Over Mirror Swing-arm Sconces

Cheque out this unique bath lighting from Sabbe Pattern. It'south beautifully combined with the wood framed mirror. The swing-arm sconces would provide enough lighting during the night for a perfect reflection.

The light fixture has a simple industrial design which leads to a corking combination with the mirror and white wall.

Another type of lighting such every bit recessed lights on the ceiling should besides be installed to support the bath lite equally the main lighting.

21. Rail Bathroom Lighting Ideas

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Rail Bathroom Lighting Ideas - Harptimes.com
LED Bathroom Lighting Ideas Over Mirror Track

The designer of this bathroom chooses to combine the modern style bathroom with an industrial mode from the glass frame and runway lighting.

The concept of this bath is so minimalist. Even though the size is small, but the elements are complete.

The thin rail lighting makes a great addition to the bathroom vanity. You can enjoy doing your stuff in front end of the vanity with proper minimal lights.

22. More Lighting in Beige and Chocolate-brown Bathroom

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Lightings in Beige and Brown Bathroom - Harptimes.com
Lighting in Beige and Brown Primary Bathroom Uk Pinterest

This small bathroom has two functional showers that you can savor all at in one case. The minor size won't be a problem when there are ii people doing the shower together.

The recessed lightings on the ceiling and the lighted wall niches on the background seems to be making a great connection with the bathroom atmosphere.

23. Nighttime Cozy Bathroom Idea

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Dark Cozy Bathroom Idea - Harptimes.com
Farmhouse Bathroom Lighting Ideas Over Mirror Dark Cozy

24. Starry LED Lights on the Bathroom Ceiling

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Starry LED Lights on the Bathroom Ceiling - Harptimes.com
DIY Bath Lighting Ideas Ceiling Starry LED Lights on the Ceiling

25. Lighting Ideas Farmhouse Bathroom

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Lighting Ideas Farmhouse Bathroom - Harptimes.com
Houzz Bathroom Lighting Ideas Australia Pinterest Farmhouse

26. Mint Green and Gray Bathroom

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Mint Green and Gray Bathroom - Harptimes.com
Rustic Bath Lighting Ideas Over Mirror Pinterest Mint Green and Grey

27. Cute Hanging Light Fixtures for Bathroom

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Beautiful Hanging Light Fixtures for Bathroom - Harptimes.com
Modern Bathroom Lighting Ideas NZ Photos Cute Hanging Calorie-free Fixtures

28. Romantic Lighting for Bath

Bathroom Lighting Ideas Romantic Lighting for Bathroom - Harptimes.com
Romantic Lighting for Chief Bathroom Photos Pinterest Uk


All 28 Bathroom Lighting Ideas won't make yous confused about deciding what'south going to be your bathroom's lighting. You have to cull it based on the demand of the bathroom and your personal gustatory modality.


Source: https://harptimes.com/best-bathroom-lighting-ideas/

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