How Long Can a Hard Boiled Egg Sit Out

A few pickled, colored eggs lay halved on a cutting board.

Photograph by James Ransom

So, you took the fourth dimension to hard-boil some eggs for a weekend Easter egg-dyeing projection (or, yous know, tomorrow'due south desk salad). Only when it comes to boiling eggs—how long in advance is too long in advance? Should they be stored peeled or unpeeled? And should y'all not have—gasp—left them on the counter overnight? We've got the answers below.

How long do hard-boiled eggs last in the fridge?

Whether peeled or unpeeled, difficult-boiled eggs volition stay A-OK for upwards to a calendar week in the refrigerator.

Should they exist stored peeled or unpeeled?

Keeping the eggs in-shell volition protect them from drying out, as the crush acts every bit a moisture barrier. Keep the eggs corralled in a bowl or empty egg carton—only make sure to label them as cooked, then every bit to not confuse them with your similar-looking raw, in-vanquish eggs.

If you're very committed to storing the eggs unpeeled, make sure to constrict a lightly dampened cloth in with the babies, in an airtight container. Alternatively, you can store peeled eggs submerged in cold water, in an airtight container. Just be sure to refresh that water daily.


As with all cooked foods left out at room temperature (aka the Danger Zone), difficult-boiled eggs are no longer deemed safe later two hours. Instead, driblet the eggs post-boil in a basin of water ice water, and transfer the cooled eggs to the fridge for longer shelf-life.

What'due south your favorite fashion to cook an egg? Tell the states about it in the comments.

Coral Lee is an Associate Editor at Food52. Before this, she cooked nutrient solely for photos. Before that, she cooked nutrient solely for customers. And before that, she shot lasers at frescoes in Herculaneum and taught yoga. When she's not writing about or making food, she's thinking about it. Her Heritage Radio Network show, "Meant to be Eaten," explores cantankerous-cultural exchange as afforded by nutrient. You can follow her on Instagram @meanttobeeaten.


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